
Hi! It’s me! Emma. I hope you will join me in this chronicle of a millennial trying to navigate the ups and down of life while trying to…find myself, I suppose? So let me begin by explaining how we ended up here. The year 2022 was a year filled to the brim with so much love, terror, adventures, moves, jobs, almost everything it feels like. Let me explain… I’ll give you the abbreviated version.

I started the year off a couple months deep into a new relationship, as well as a new job as full time host at a restaurant in order to escape a job in healthcare where I was miserable. Shortly into the year, I was blindsided by the my dad getting diagnosed with cancer. I took my first international vacation for a 20 day trip touring around Croatia (I would love to share my favorite experiences and memories with you). When I returned from vacation, I started a second job where I traveled weekly as an athletic trainer. My dad’s health then took a scary turn and I up and moving back to Indiana to be close to mom and dad and help pick up the pieces. Which brings us to today. I am managing a long distance relationship, yet another new job, a parent who is fighting for his life, and I am just trying to find peace, happiness, and a purpose through it all.

 My brain feels like it is moving 100 miles and minute and I am finding I like how it slows down when I write and forces me turn focus on my task. I hope I’m not alone when I say this, but I feel like a hot mess most days and I hope writing this blog will be cathartic to my restless brain by  creating a community to help me through the lows and to share the joys. I could go into so much more detail but I don’t see the benefit of sharing the intricacies of  all my dirty laundry on our first day; we just me after all. Maybe once we get to know each other better. This blog is for new beginnings. So we will start there. One foot in front of the other. Step by step. 

– xoxo, Emma